Essay Editing Service

Don't gamble with your GPA. Spend a few dollars for an essay editing service to get it right.

An essay editing service can cater to different types of essays such as college admissions, law school, graduate school, medical school, and academic essays. Students looking to improve their GPA or achieve admissions to an institution of their choice should consider their improved odds when using an essay editing service. Admissions counselors confirm that clear, direct, and succinct writing is among the determining factors to college admission. Graders and teaching assistants at the high school and collegiate levels also attribute higher GPAs to clear essays and writing.

Strong correlation between good writing, high GPAs, and career opportunities

Undergraduate students who can present their thoughts in a clear and succinct way achieve higher GPAs. They also have better odds of getting into institutions of their choice. Graduate students who produce crisp writing are more likely to land internships and secure funding for academic research. This makes sense because clear communications pave the way to being understood and appreciated. Your communications style and quality sets the tone of your personal brand and what you bring to an organization.

Tip 1 - not all essay editing services are experts with every type of essay

Find out if a service has experience with the kind of essay you wrote.

The editing needs of an MBA student writing a business plan are different than a student writing a medical school admissions essay.

The MBA student needs an editor versed in framing ideas to convince investors, bankers, and consumers that the service or product has merit, solves an urgent need, and is supported with realistic financial projections. Passion, vision, and the propensity to succeed must be emoted through a business plan.

A student writing for medical school needs an editor who can frame writing to emote precision of craft and dedication for well-being to the admissions counselor sifting through thousands of medical school applicants. The editor needs to be sensitive to how this particular paper will grab attention in the sea of other applicants.

Tip 2 - ask for free samples

Ask the essay editing service to give you a free sample of the first few paragraphs of your essay. This is the best way to learn what type of edits you can expect. You will also get a paragraph or two of your paper edited for free.

Tip 3 - always choose Copy Editing over Proofreading

Many editing services try to blur the differences between proofreading and copy editing. The former involves basic edits while the latter is more thorough. A friend with an English major can proofread your essay for free. Copy editing is an art; always demand a service to copy edit your paper. Be clear on what you will be given before you commit your money.

Tip 4 - check reviews

One of our clients got into the prestigious Columbia University and wrote back saying, "I got into Columbia with a full scholarship, and your help was appreciated! If you were a girl, I'd ask you out!".

Make sure your essay editor has a history of wins and happy clients. You want to be one of them.

Please email us if you have any questions about essay editing.

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