Mark Cuban flunks grammar but has a winning analysis of the 2012 Presidential Election
Mark Cuban is one the most candid bloggers I know. His unfiltered approach has become his personal brand. Perhaps this why he does not edit or proofread his blog articles before publishing them to the world.
His blog post today analyzing why Romney lost and Obama won is a grammatical disaster on the scale of Hurricane Sandy. Here’s a list of his infractions:
- Misspellings
- Capitalization errors
- Tense confusion between present and past
- Incorrect use of there and their
- Incorrect use of who’s and whose
- Incorrect use of let’s and lets
- Incorrect use of contractions
- Missing commas
- Run-on sentences
- Inconsistent spacing between words and new sentences
However, Mark’s writing still resonates with people due to its succinct analysis and unique analogies.
“…huge problem for Fox and as a result Governor Romney is that they didn’t know the Dancing with the Stars bottom two principle. You would think that when one of the couples on DWTS is in the bottom two, thats a horrible sign. It must mean they are close to elimination. Not for couples with a large voting base. When you have a large voting base and find yourself in the bottom two, your voting base recognizes that you are at risk of losing. Because they want you to stay on the show and voting counts as much as the dancing, they will step up and vote and keep you on the show until you find yourself up against couples that have a bigger voting base than you.”
Yes, this proves that content is king. However, Gramlee believes being grammatically accurate would further add to Mark’s brand. (Open offer to Mark Cuban: you can use Gramlee’s proofreading services for free at any time and as often as you want. Gramlee’s business has been guided by Mark’s business principles shared on his blog and appearances on Shark Tank. Our pro bono offer is the least we can do to show our gratitude to Mark.)
For those interested, here is Gramlee’s edited version of Mark’s blog post. You can download the Word file from here to see every change our editors made.
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